Film and photography are my passion. In this blog I publish articles on topics that inspire me or are topical.
I was fortunate to have been raised in three languages. I guess it's the nicest present my parents could give me.
That means that I write in any language, depending on the mood of the moment.
So, feel free to have a look at the documents in the two other languages.
Nederlandse blog - Uitgelicht
Blog français - A l'affiche

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- Written by: Andre Sainderichin
Frankly? It doesn’t really matter.
Photographers and cinematographers like cameras. I like cameras. I like fidgeting with the knobs and buttons, and rings and levers. I like feeling their heft in my hands. So, I buy cameras. Lots of them.
But that’s not necessarily a good idea. Because it’s expensive. And because cameras don’t really matter.
What matters is seeing. You don’t need a camera for that. Just a pair of good eyes and curiosity. And knowing how to translate what you see into a photo.
And truly understand what you can expect from your camera, and what not.

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- Written by: Andre Sainderichin
You probably forgot, but there’s a chance that, somehow, you still have some floppy discs stashed away somewhere in your home. Maybe in that filing cabinet you moved to the attic a few years ago. Or in that cardboard box labeled “Misc.” in your basement.
Well, I got news for you: there’s no way you’re going to be able to read the files you stored on those floppy disks.

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- Written by: André Sainderichin
Portraits are difficult for me. I don’t know if it’s me or my upbringing, but I find it hard to establish a rapport with my subject. When I say portraits, I mean not just a picture, but an image that reveals at least a glimpse of the person’s soul.
Doing portraits requires you to kind of invade someone’s personal space. To force their privacy, their intimacy. You have to get close, both psychologically and physically. Of course, I know, you can use a tele lens, and in fact, most of us do so for portraits, but that makes no difference for your subject: you just stare at him or her.